Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Here are a few books that I find worthy of mention for recommendation. If your looking for a good read this year let me help you with a few that have been huge for me. This is not and exhaustive list by any means but something to wet your appetite. These are in no particular order.

1) Six Thinking Hats – Edward De Bono

2) A Whole New Mind (why right-brainers will rule the future) Daniel H. Pink

3) Mavericks at Work (why the most original minds in business win) William C. Taylor

4) The Houdini Solution (put creativity and innovation to work by thinking inside the box) Ernie Schenck

5) The Fifth Discipline (the art and practice of the learning organization) Peter M. Senge

6) The Tipping Point (how little things can make a big difference) – Malcolm Gladwell

7) Integrity (the courage to meet the demands of reality) Dr. Henry Cloud

8) The Ten Faces of Innovation (ideo’s strategies for beating the devil’s advocate & driving creativity throughout your organization) Tom Kelley

9) Church Unique (how missional leaders cast vision, capture culture, and create movement) Will Mancini

10) Made to Stick (why some ideas survive and others die) Chip Heath


Here are a few books that I find worthy of mention for recommendation. If your looking for a good read this year let me help you with a few that have been huge for me. This is not and exhaustive list by any means but something to wet your appetite. These are in no particular order.

1) Crazy Love (overwhelmed by a relentless God) – Francis Chan

2) The Jesus Way (conversations on the way that Jesus is the Way) – Eugene Peterson

3) 10 Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe – Larry Osborne

4) Pivot (how one turn in attitude can lead to success) – Dr. Alan R. Zimmerman

5) Servolution (starting a church revolution serve serving) – Dino Rizzo

6) Emotional Intelligence (why it can matter more than IQ) – Daniel Goleman

7) The Celebration of Discipline – Richard Foster

8) The Prodigal God (recovering the heart of the Christian faith) – Timothy Keller

9) The Ragamuffin Gospel – Brennan Manning

10) Primal (a quest for the lost soul of Christianity) – Mark Batterson